FDA Enters Rulemaking to Update the Definition of “Healthy”On September 29, 2022, FDA published a proposed rule to update the definition for the implied nutrient content claim “healthy” consistent with current nutrition science and FDA dietary guidance. The proposed rule requires, in addition to nutrient limits (saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars), that food products contain a certain amount of food from at least one of the food groups or subgroups recommended by the Dietary Guidelines, 2020-2025 to be labeled “healthy”. For example, a cereal would need to contain ¾ ounce of whole grains and contain no more than 1 gram of saturated fat, 230 milligrams of sodium and 2.5 grams of added sugars. Comments on the rule are due to FDA by 11:59 pm Eastern on December 28, 2022. For a copy of the rule visit: Food Labeling: Nutrient Content Claims: Definition of Term “Healthy” FDA will hold a webinar on the rule on Friday, October 21, 2022, at 10:00 am Pacific Time, 11:00 am Mountain Time, 1:00 pm Eastern Time. For more information or to register for the webinar visit: https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-host-webinar-discuss-proposed-changes-definition-healthy |